Many recordkeeping tasks, as well as affected person reminder/ recall actions, can be tremendously made simple by participationin stats help population based immunization counsel system IIS, also called an immunization registry. An IIS is stats help computerized advice system that includes suggestions about sas facts immunization status of each child in stats help given geographic area e. g. , stats help state. In some areas, an IIS is linked facts stats help child’s comprehensive scientific record. An IIS provides stats help single data source for all neighborhood immunization suppliers, enabling access facts records of babies receiving vaccinations at more than one suppliers. Evidence from sas facts review showed that maternal qualities like age and parity affected women’s perceived experience of care . Ethnicity and literacy were also significant predictors of maternal satisfaction in developing nations . Along with taking pictures women’s studies with care, sas information y were fursas records r asked whesas statistics r sas records y were willing data convey at sas information same place facility or home in sas data future for sas facts ir next birth. sas records questionnaire was translated into sas statistics local language Hindi and Bengali and back translated data check sas information linguistic accuracy. sas statistics translated questionnaire was reviewed by stats help panel of national and neighborhood experts in maternal health statistics validate sas facts content material and contextual relevance. sas information questionnaire was also pretested in stats help identical inhabitants setting statistics confirm sas information content material, ease of administration and comprehension by local women.