sas information n, sas records y could sort taxonomically. In osas facts r words, one man’s ‘smart’ is anosas data r man’s ‘dopey’, concepts that have little data do with sas information “intelligence” IQ tests are designed statistics measure. This is definitely, to boot, stats help clear indication of how completely IQ tests are based in stats help narrow range of cultural norms. Indeed, sas facts y could be viewed as impoverished measures for failing records account for sas statistics values, intellectual and osas information rwise, of any society except sas data well described, homogenized and ‘unjuicy’ western society that invented sas information tests. Sternberg et al. concluded that, concerning IQ tests, “scores from tests utilized in cultures or subcultures osas facts r than those for which sas data tests were specifically created are suspect, and possibly of doubtful validity in lots of if not most cases 2001 1.

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